Discover Microsoft Teams Telephony

Many don’t know the full potential of Microsoft Teams, when paired with Teams Direct Routing or Operator Connect (both of which we can provide) you can configure teams to make and receive traditional phone calls, it behaves like a full telephony system!

Unlike most phone systems that require potentially expensive licenses to make and receive calls through multiple devices, as long as you hold a Microsoft Teams license, this functionality extends to the app installed on as many devices as you can sign into (desktop, laptop, mobile phone or teams desk phone)

teams telephony

Why not contact us today to find out how we can help you? Simply click the button below to arrange a free call with a member of a team to discuss it further!

Why not contact us today to find out how we can help you? Simply click the button below to arrange a free call with a member of a team to discuss it further!

Unlock the opportunity to replace your existing Phone System, consolidating the costs and unlocking the chance to save your business money!

Why not contact us today to find out how we can help you? Simply click the button below to arrange a free call with a member of a team to discuss it further!

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Sam Donovan Director
IT Support doesn't need to be complicated. Having worked in IT for over 10 years, I know what makes it tick.